National Voter Registration Day: Chief Election Officers in a Pandemic



Meeting Method:

 We invite you to celebrate National Voter Registration Day with Harvard Votes Challenge in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at 6pm ET on Tuesday, September 22nd. 

This fall, Secretaries of States across the country face the unique challenge of administering the 2020 Election against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, including maintaining public health while voting and planning for an increase in absentee voting. The Institute of Politics welcomes two public servants representing the Democratic and Republican Party who have a deep understanding of navigating the complexities of serving as Secretary of State: 

- Jocelyn Benson HLS ’04, Secretary of State, Michigan
- Trey Grayson’94, Secretary of State, Kentucky (2004-2011), Director, Institute of Politics (2011-2014)

The Harvard Votes Challenge is a nonpartisan initiative that strives to build a civic culture at Harvard University by increasing voter registration and participation among students, staff, and faculty. In Fall 2018, the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and Institute of Politics launched the Harvard Votes Challenge to promote student voter registration and turnout across Harvard. Make a plan to vote at 

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