Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP)

The Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) brings to life the nation's largest poll on the political opinions and civic attitudes of young Americans aged 18 to 29. For over two decades, HPOP has illuminated our nation's most comprehensive understanding of the political beliefs, voting trends, and attitudes held by its youth. The initiative is spearheaded by undergraduate students who brainstorm and write poll questions, evaluate survey data, and share crucial findings with stakeholders ranging from national media outlets to the White House.

Campaign 2012: The Candidates and Their Strategies

Beyond the biannual Harvard Youth Poll, HPOP also engages in qualitative research and analysis. This research takes the form of initiatives including student op-eds and focus groups. Throughout the semester, HPOP explores a broad spectrum of political views among youth and strives to spotlight their stories, struggles, and dreams. Ultimately, HPOP offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to amplify the voices of young people by showcasing the story of our generation to the world. 


Jordan Schwartz, jordanschwartz@college.harvard.edu