The Digital Economy, Taxes, and Outsourcing


Meeting Method:

The Politics of Globalization: How Trade Became a Four-Letter Word

As international trade agreements and norms have evolved over time, rules and disciplines have been created around issues ranging from agriculture, to goods (manufactured and others), services and in areas like intellectual property. In the world of the digital economy in which we live, trade rules are being considered that will impact the role of the Internet and data flows across national borders. Specifically, will trade principles enshrine a free and open Internet favoring open cross-border data flows OR will more restricted data flows and concepts of national “digital sovereignty” apply instead?

Guest: Robert Holleyman, Deputy United States Trade Representative (2014-2017) and President & CEO of the Business Software Alliance, the trade consortium that represents the interest of major software houses globally.

IOP Spring 2018 Resident Fellow Fred P. Hochberg