In This Section
McCarthy says immigration, abortion, economy to top election issues
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Former House speaker also says Trump would likely win if election were held today in wide-ranging talk
Warning for journalists: You’re more ignorant than you realize
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Marty Baron favors digging for truth over 'moral clarity'
Top issues for young voters? Stories from a swing state.
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Harvard student pollsters talk to peers in Michigan about money, mental health, and other worries
Man-bites-dog event: Bipartisan panel finds areas of agreement
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Former Democratic, Republican representatives discuss presidential race, economy, how to get things done in Congress
Could troubling police, media response to Stuart murder happen again?
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Reporters who revisited 35-year-old case that reignited racial tensions in Boston say Black community sees no reason why it couldn't
Black America as canary in coal mine of democracy
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Panel sees peril ahead, points to rise in white supremacy, birtherism, erosion of voting rights, attacks on teaching about race, gender
History, culture, and policy all influence the state of Black America and democracy today, HKS faculty explain
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A JFK Jr. Forum dug into the complex issues affecting Black Americans, finding areas of concern as well as hope
Reading tea leaves with Steve Kornacki
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NBC, MSNBC analyst sees Democratic potential, but lots of slack, uncertainty ahead for both parties