William Sutherland

Fall 1984

William Sutherland is the Southern Africa Representative for the American Friends Service Committee. After having served a 38 month prison sentence for anti-World War II and anti-racial discrimination activities, Mr. Sutherland worked with the U.S. civil rights movement and then toured Europe with three other members of the War Resisters League in an experimental project in the use of Gandhian methods at the international level. He co-founded Americans for South African Resistance and expanded its program, becoming the American Committee on Africa. From 1957 to 1960, he served as private secretary to the Minister of Finance of Ghana and then as an adviser to the Histadrut, an Israeli Labor Organization, on their African Affairs Program. Mr. Sutherland served as a World Peace Brigade Representative of African Freedom Action and then was an employee of the Tanzanian government for nine years before beginning his work for the AFSC.

Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Institute of Politics.
