Michael Donilon

Spring 2025
Resident Fellow
Michael Donilon

Michael Donilon is the former Senior Advisor to President Biden. In the White House, Donilon was involved in a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues and served as one of President Biden's primary speechwriters.

Donilon has worked for President Biden since 1981. First as a strategist, pollster, and media advisor for Senator Biden. Then, as Counselor to Vice President Biden. And then, as Chief Strategist for President Biden in his 2020 and 2024 campaigns, where Donilon was responsible for overseeing strategy, message development, television advertising, polling, and speechwriting.

Donilon has worked at the highest level of national politics for over 40 years. He has worked in seven Presidential campaigns, including for the last three Democratic Presidents (Clinton, Obama, and Biden). He has also worked in over 30 winning U.S. Senate and Gubernatorial campaigns.

Donilon has been part of some of the most important campaigns in the country. These include Doug Wilder's historic win in Virginia, where he became the first African American elected Governor in the United States since Reconstruction. Harris Wofford's upset win over Dick Thornburgh in the 1991 U.S. Senate special election which was the first indication that a seismic political shift towards the Democrats was occurring in the country. Bill Clinton's election as President in 1992, the first Democrat elected President since Jimmy Carter in 1976. President Barack Obama's historic wins in 2008 and 2012. Conor Lamb's stunning victory in 2018, which showed Democrats how to win in Trump strongholds. And Joe Biden's historic victory over Donald Trump in 2020.

Donilon was born in Providence, RI. He holds an A.B. from Georgetown University and a J.D. from Georgetown Law Center.

Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Institute of Politics.
