Study Group with Brett Rosenberg: What's Next for U.S. Foreign Policy?


Meeting Method:
Associated Program:
Fellows & Study Groups

Registration is Closed

Join IOP Resident Fellow Brett Rosenberg for her final study group of the semester!

For the final week of our study group, we'll look back at the ways these cross-cutting issues have come up in the 2024 presidential election. We'll also focus this week on looking ahead: depending on who wins the election, what do we think will happen in the policy areas we've discussed? What reforms do we think are needed to make sure these critical issues are debated and developed into coherent approaches? What advice would we have for the president and Congress in 2025? 2029? Beyond?

AUDIENCE: These conversations are open to members of the Harvard community. Please RSVP with a valid Harvard email address. 

OFF-THE-RECORD: In keeping with our long tradition at the IOP to ensure honest and candid discussions of politics, all IOP study groups are off-the-record.


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