Christopher Shin

Policy Program

My name is Chris, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2027) from Cherry Hill, NJ in Leverett House, double concentrating in Chemical & Physical Biology and Government with a secondary in Music. I am Co-Chair of the Policy Program at the IOP, which equips undergraduates with hands-on policy experiences, leaves meaningful community impact, and generates opportunities to collaborate on projects tackling real-world challenges. 

Over the next year, I am looking forward to building a stronger program culture and developing more opportunities for members to connect with each other—and with real-world policymakers. 

Outside of the IOP, I am involved in Harvard Model Congress and Harvard MIHNUET, and I conduct infectious disease epidemiology research with the Broad Institute and the Harvard Global Health Institute. In my free time, I am an avid classical pianist and a devoted Blank Street Regular.