Bahar Moradi

JFK Jr. Forum

My name is Bahar Moradi, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2027) from Rocklin, California in Kirkland House studying Social Studies and Middle Eastern Studies. I am Co-Chair of the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum Committee, which organizes and staffs speaker events with leaders from various facets of the professional world to engage in candid dialogue with the student body. 

Over the next year, I am looking forward to leveraging the Forum stage to amplify the voices of all communities on Harvard's campus through increased student-ideated forums, student moderation opportunities, and developing our relationship with other student organizations. 

In the IOP, I also serve as the Middle East and North Africa regional ambassador to the Coalition for Global Affairs, and I was previously a member of the Women's Initiative in Leadership Program. Outside of the IOP, I am involved in the Harvard College Iranian Association, the Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative, and I intern at the Harvard Law School Immigration and Refugee Clinic. Previously, I served as a legal intern with POLITICO, a researcher with FEMENA, and as an intern with McCracy Law Firm. In my free time, I enjoy running, exploring Boston, reading, and journaling!