Moving EPA Forward in an “Unhealthy” Climate led by Gina McCarthy


Federal Climate Action: What "of, by and for the people" really means and why it matters.

We will discuss the key steps taken at EPA to address climate change, the importance of engaging the public, communicating the science, working with stakeholders and constituency groups, and recognizing what the law says and what it doesn't say.  Don't plan on many easy decisions or pats on the back.  


Study Groups are weekly off-the-record discussions on various topics of political, policy, and public interest.  All are welcome; no prior knowledge or experience is necessary to attend or participate.  Sessions take place at the IOP.  Groups begin the week of 2/13/17 and end the week of 4/10/17.  It is not necessary to attend all groups to participate in the program.

Location: Institute of Politics - Littauer 166

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